Our Vision
Our vision ‘where we care about learning and about each other‘ guides all that we do and believe in at King’s Stanley CofE Primary School. Our vision is routed in the bible story ‘Mary, Martha and Lazarus (New Testament Luke 10: 25–37) which helps children understand our vision at a deeper level.
The story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus helps pupils understand our vision by illustrating the balance between learning, caring, and flourishing. Mary’s choice to listen to Jesus highlights the importance of valuing learning and seeking wisdom, just as we encourage curiosity and academic growth. Martha’s service reflects our commitment to caring for one another, showing kindness, support, and community. Lazarus’ story of renewal reminds us of the hope and potential within each of us, inspiring pupils to grow and flourish. Through this story, we see how faith, knowledge, and compassion work together, shaping a school where everyone is valued and nurtured.
At our school we experience faith through:
Having a daily act of collective worship as opposed to assembly. During worship we read stories. Sometimes these stories are from the Bible and sometimes they are from other faiths or they are simply stories that help us explore a value or a moral. In worship we sing songs and hymns many of which parents / carers sang when they were little and some of which are new or written more recently. During worship we also have the opportunity for reflection and quiet thought. Worship is led by pupils from Year 6.
Having a school prayer. Our prayer is very important to us and we all enjoy saying our prayer together. Some of us hope that with lots of voices saying the prayer together – it will travel far and be heard by many.
Being part of our church. We are linked very closely with St. George’s Church. We go to the church for lots of visits and events (Harvest, Christmas, Easter, and Community Services) or as part of our RE work.
Having a well designed RE (Religious Education) Curriculum. Our RE Curriculum has been carefully designed to teach about a range of faiths including Christianity. RE is taught in every year group. Children also have opportunities to discuss our different values and what they mean to them; they are encouraged to record these discussions within each class’s Reflection Journal.

Pupil’s leading Worship

Daily Worship
Celebrating as often as possible. Come and see our different values which are displayed around our school! We love celebrating and find every possible reason to do so. Every Friday we have a celebration service and we have a very special end of Year 6 award too.
Spending time with Reverend David and Our Open the Book Team. David is our local vicar and we enjoy worshiping with him. Many of our pupil’s families go to the church and attend services which we hold at our school.
Creating a time and place for spiritual reflection. We are currently looking at ways to develop our spiritual garden area at the moment, a space for quiet reflection in our busy fun school. Spiritual development is the development of the non-material element of a human being which animates and sustains us and, depending on our point of view; either ends or continues in some form when we die. It is about the development of a sense of identity, self-worth, personal insight, meaning and purpose. It is about the development of a pupil’s ‘spirit’. Some people may call it the development of a pupil’s ‘soul’; others as the development of ‘personality’ or ‘character’.

St George’s Church