How do pupils flourish at King’s Stanley CofE Primary School?
As part of the review of the school vision; “Where we care about learning and each other” we wanted to consider what flourishing looks like at our school. We considered all of the different parts of our school community and how the vision supports them on a daily basis.
What Does a Flourishing Child Look Like at King’s Stanley School?
- Happy and Engaged – Excited to come to school and eager to take part in the opportunities available.
- Confident and Self-Aware – Comfortable being themselves, recognising their strengths, and feeling supported to reach their potential.
- Celebratory and Positive – Takes pride in their own achievements and finds joy in celebrating others.
- Enjoys Learning and Play – Actively participates in class and values time spent with peers.
- Resilient and Self-Regulating – Able to manage challenges and emotions, especially in difficult moments.
- Courageous and Adventurous – Willing to try extracurricular activities and embrace new experiences.
- Socially Aware and Articulate – Builds and maintains friendships while expressing themselves with confidence.
- Independent and Reflective – Asks for help when needed and works towards personal goals.
- Respectful and Responsible – Understands boundaries, follows school rules, and treats others with kindness.
- Empathetic and Open-Minded – Considers different perspectives and puts themselves in others’ shoes.
- Mentally Healthy and Supported – Shows good wellbeing and knows where to seek help if needed.
- Trusting and Secure – Feels confident approaching adults with worries or concerns.
- Curious and Appreciative – Has a sense of wonder about the world and values our unique school environment.
- Brave and Determined – Willing to take risks, try new things, and learn from mistakes.
- Respectful and Grateful – Demonstrates good manners, appreciation, and gratitude for those who support them
How do Staff flourish at King’s Stanley CofE Primary School?
Our school community is supported by a wide range of dedicated adults, including the Headteacher, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Administrators, Midday Supervisors, Cleaners, Governors, visiting coaches, peripatetic music teachers, volunteers, PTFA, and external agencies. Together, we create try to create an environment where every member of the team feels:
- Included and Valued – Recognised as an essential part of the school, contributing their own skills while appreciating the strengths of others.
- Supported and Encouraged – Their role is important, and they are given opportunities to develop and grow, even if that means moving on to new opportunities in the future.
- Balanced and Considered – Their work-life balance is respected, with mutual support in times of high demand.
- Challenged and Fulfilled – Engaged in meaningful work that brings satisfaction and a sense of belonging to the school community.
- Supported and Supportive – Knows where to seek help and is willing to assist others, particularly in managing challenges such as behaviour.
- Recognised Beyond the School – Their roles and contributions are understood and valued by the wider community.
- Confident and Respectful – Encouraged to ask questions and seek clarity while fostering a culture of respect.
- Informed and Empowered – Aware of key issues affecting their role and confident in knowing where to find guidance or support.
- Joyful and Connected – Approaches their work with enthusiasm, fostering a sense of belonging while being mindful of the unique pressures of a small school.
- Instrumental to a Thriving School – Recognising that a flourishing adult is key to a flourishing child – the two go hand in hand.

How does our school community flourish?
Our school vision recognises that our school impacts on different types of community. As such, we have considered what each of those types of community look like if we are supporting them to flourish.
How Does Our Village Community Flourish?
King’s Stanley CofE Primary School plays a vital role in village life, supporting and collaborating with the community in many ways:
- Partnership with the Parish Council – Helping to improve village facilities, including designing the pond at the local farm and assisting with the maintenance of the local stream, prayers for the church.
- Providing Community Spaces – Hosting local clubs and activities, including breakfast and after-school clubs, and renting out our facilities for community use.
- Developing Village Events – Leading key events such as the Kings of King’s Stanley trail, the Colour Run, and the village fête.
- Caring for Our Environment – Our pupils regularly take part in litter-picking around the village, clearing the ‘bank’ play area.
- Working with Local Authorities – Our PCSO helps educate children on respecting and contributing to their local community.
Through these connections, our school helps the village thrive as a caring, active, and inclusive community.
How Does Our Church Community Flourish?
- Shared Worship – Church members lead worship, including Open the Book and weekly worship with Reverend David.
- Celebrating Together – Church used for key Christian festivals (Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Leavers’ Service).
- Collaborative Learning – Special themed days, such as Pentecost Week, linking church and school.
- Foundation Governors’ Support – leading Worship, worship working party
- Outdoor Learning – Using the church for lessons: experience easter, harvest and Christmas.
- Faith in Action – Church members share their faith and its impact on their lives.
- Acts of Service – Children contribute to Christmas Lunch with Friends by making cards, singing carols, and handing out gifts.
- Diocesan Support – CPD training, headteacher support, and governance guidance from the Diocese of Gloucester.
- Bishop’s Visitor Meetings – Termly pastoral and professional support for the Headteacher.
- Leadership Development – Staff undertaking NPQs through the Church of England Education Service.
How Does Our Wider World Flourish?
- Understanding Democracy and Governance – Children learn about the UK’s democracy, governance, and the benefits the country offers.
- Supporting National Charities – Involvement in activities such as Children in Need, World Book Day, and Gloucestershire Bundles with regular fundraising events.
- Engagement with Wider Society – we support a primary school in Kavuka, Kenya with fundraising
- Personalised Charities – each House has their own personalised charity who they fund raise for.
- Celebrating Historical Events – Marking significant events like the Platinum Jubilee and King Charles’ Coronation through whole-school activities.
- Promoting Teamwork and Artistic Expression – Encouraging participation in events like the Stroud Country Dancing Festival and Young Voices to inspire teamwork and a love for music.
- Global Outreach – Working with Teams4U to fill shoeboxes for those in need across Europe and collecting supplies for displaced people during crises like the Ukraine conflict.
- Learning About the World – Using PictureNews to teach current affairs, helping children develop respect for different beliefs, feelings, and faiths.